Sunday, November 16, 2014

Great FREE Resources!!

14 brand new resources for you and for free? Yes, please! Over a dozen TpT Teacher-Authors have joined together in a Teachers Thanking Teachers linkup to express their appreciation for you with these free gifts! Get started here, then follow the links. Share the love by tagging friends and colleagues in the comments so they can linkup too. These resources are free only on 11/16 and 11/17.

Photo: 14 brand new resources for you and for free? Yes, please! Over a dozen TpT Teacher-Authors have joined together in a Teachers Thanking Teachers linkup to express their appreciation for you with these free gifts! Get started here, then follow the links. Share the love by tagging friends and colleagues in the comments so they can linkup too. These resources are free only on 11/16 and 11/17.